National Doctor’s Day Interview with Dr. ZAKI

In honor of National Doctor’s Day this month, we interviewed Dr. Zaki.
1) Why did you become a Doctor?
As far back as I can remember I was always fascinated by the practice of medicine, that coupled with my strong desire to help others moved me to take on the responsibility of becoming a doctor. As my practice grew I realized that helping others live their best lives sometimes entailed more than keeping them on track health-wise. This is when I discovered my passion for Aesthetics/cosmetic treatments and put that into action within my practice.
2) What is your favorite aspect of being a Doctor?
Truly getting to know my patients, maintaining a long term relationship with them and helping them feel both healthy and beautiful. I love to see them thrive both inside and out and to be the best versions of themselves.
3) What is your favorite treatment or procedure to perform and why?
My favorite treatment by far is Vivace Microneedling.
4) What are the benefits received from this treatment?
This treatment really does it all! It helps with wrinkle reduction, skin tightening as well as reduces acne and acne scars.
5) What is the downtime/recovery time?
This is the primary reason I love Vivace. It yields zero downtime and that is exactly what my busy patients need, an effective treatment without the downtime.
6) What is the average age range of an ideal candidate for this treatment?
On average, anywhere from early 20s for acne and acne scars to 30s-50s for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction
7) What is your own skincare routine?
I prefer to keep things simple so I stick to the Alastin skincare basics. Gentle cleanser a.m. and p.m. Sunscreen in the morning and Alastin Skin Nectar in the evening.
8) Which products do you swear by?
The Alastin line is wonderful but I specifically like Alastin Skin Nectar. It’s very healing and soothing and great for all skin types. It also has the ability to help produce collagen and elastin.
9) What treatment do you treat yourself with?
When I get a free moment in between patients I try to treat myself to Vivace and every now and then a Skin Rejuvenation to reduce my redness and rosacea.
10) Skincare advice to people in 20s, 30, 40s+
I always say sunscreen is the first line of defense in fighting the aging process as well as protecting your skin from harmful cancer-causing rays. For this reason, I always recommend for my patients to get in the habit of using an SPF of 30 or higher daily, starting early in life and following through their entire life, 20s, 30s, 40s and onward. And water! Drink plenty of water, you will be surprised how this small change can help your skin.