Aging Gracefully With PicoSure® Treatment

Healthier and Happier
When it comes to our society today, aging can seem like a taboo topic. So many of us want to change everything about the entire process, and age the way we choose. Unfortunately, there are so many other factors that come into play regarding how we age, and how that affects the integrity of our skin overall. While there are plenty of things we can do to prevent how rapidly our skin ages, we have to account for our genetics, race, weight, diet, and our surrounding environment. Thankfully with the advancement of different technologies we have a choice in the matter. We no longer have to sit around waiting to get older, we can age as gracefully as we so choose.
What Is PicoSure®?
In our youth, most of us made decisions we didn’t think we would regret as we got older. Dating, buying way too many pairs of shoes, and our fashion and music tastes have thankfully evolved over time just as we have. If only hindsight didn’t have to be 20/20, we would have remembered to do our skincare regime every night and never forgot to put on our SPF. While we sometimes wish we could live life without regrets and hit the rewind button on some of our decisions, luckily with age comes the excitement of being able to reinvent ourselves.
Skin damage can lower your self-esteem and at some point, everyone regrets how their skin looks and feels. Thankfully, in the world we live in today, doing something about it has become accessible. At Le Rêve Med Spa, we use the PicoSure® treatment system to reduce and remove acne scars, pigmentation, freckles, sun damage, wrinkles, and fine lines.
The Significance of Aging
We all have our personal opinions about the importance of aging. Some will argue that aging is a sign of knowledge, wisdom, and a well-lived life. While others may believe that just because they’re getting older doesn’t mean they have to show their age on their skin. Everyone is entitled to how they feel on the matter, but thankfully because we have technology that can enhance and preserve our looks, everyone can live the life they want. The PicoSure® treatment system is a groundbreaking non-surgical non-invasive treatment that focuses on specific skin problems all over your body and not just on your face. It acts by delivering short bursts of energy to target problem areas. It uses revolutionary picosecond laser technology and focuses on your problem area. The laser pulses activate your body’s collagen and elastin production mechanism. This treatment system aims to revitalize the damage done to the skin all over your body without causing pain or interruption to your day-to-day activities. At Le Rêve Med Spa, we are now offering $500 OFF any PicoSure® package. Get rid of summer sun damage and reduce wrinkles today!
Healthy Aging Month
Healthy Aging Month is an annual observance held in September to highlight the importance of the positive aspects of growing older. As the number of people age 45 and older grows every year, the focus of September’s Healthy Aging Month is to inspire these adults to improve their overall health and well-being. Developing healthy habits from a young age helps reduce the risk of diseases, improves physical and mental health, and boosts energy levels. It is crucial that as we get older, we develop and continue to maintain healthy lifestyle choices. At Le Rêve Med Spa, we want to help provide you with all the information you need to look at the process of aging in a new light. Contact us today to learn more!
Contact Us!
It’s time to take back control of your skin with the PicoSure®️ treatment. This cutting-edge technology is designed to help remove pigment lesions and pigment-like freckles such as sunspots and facial discolorations. At Le Rêve Med Spa, we specialize in the health and wellness of not only our patients but the people around us. For a limited time, receive $500 OFF any PicoSure®️ treatment package. Give us a call at 626-564-9025 or click the link below to correct uneven tone or unwanted pigmentation concerns today.